Really Nice! It's worth having a good look at. I regret not having looked at it earlier. There's other beautiful stuff on your blog too, I'm eager to go through it. I'm really sorry though Machan, I really just forgot about your blog!
btw, what's that program on Windoze that rips Windoze's kernel apart? I've heard of Longhorn transformation packs, but they too, retain a start bar. With that bar replacing the start bar (referred to as an xfce bar in our world), your desktop looks a lot like an xfce (!
I'm having second thoughts about the stability of your Windoze system now though... anything that modifies the kernel is thrown out immediately by Migrozoft's patrol man on Windoze updates... so just preserve that beautiful screen for everyone to see a little longer.
.. and one more request: You scaled down that image so that it loads faster and fills low resolution screens completely. I'd like a high res non-scaled-down version please.
Dude, my start bar's still there. It's only hidden. I've just been using some products by Stardock to modify my desktop abt which I came to know thro' Sykora and other friends. I'm not going to rip an kernel apart and I'm scared even to change my boot screen because of some trouble I've faced in the past by modifying my boot.ini file.
Thanks for dropping by, Ram. And thanks so much for your wonderful comment. Looking forward to seeing your updated blog.
:) So it's just paint... I thought so. When you start windoze, you should see the "normal" screen and eventually, it's repainted by a startup program, Stardock. It's a big performance hit though. Avoid using paints. I'd still say that it's a screen worth looking at... I wonder if it's a pleasure to work with!
... and lol about the boot screen... if you aren't capable of that, you're far from ripping kernels to that extent!
The problem with windoze is it's structue: It's not structured properly. It stuffs everything including the gui into one file which it calls "kernel" (and I call crapnel 'cos it's not a true kernel). Hence, it becomes very difficult to modify parts of your desktop. On a GNU/ Linux based OS, it's layered.. X windowing system on top of the kernel and desktops on top of X. Maybe I'll write an article on that...
lovely pic.
Happy New year..
'may God bless!
Really Nice! It's worth having a good look at. I regret not having looked at it earlier. There's other beautiful stuff on your blog too, I'm eager to go through it.
I'm really sorry though Machan, I really just forgot about your blog!
btw, what's that program on Windoze that rips Windoze's kernel apart? I've heard of Longhorn transformation packs, but they too, retain a start bar. With that bar replacing the start bar (referred to as an xfce bar in our world), your desktop looks a lot like an xfce (!
I'm having second thoughts about the stability of your Windoze system now though... anything that modifies the kernel is thrown out immediately by Migrozoft's patrol man on Windoze updates... so just preserve that beautiful screen for everyone to see a little longer.
.. and one more request: You scaled down that image so that it loads faster and fills low resolution screens completely. I'd like a high res non-scaled-down version please.
Dude, my start bar's still there. It's only hidden. I've just been using some products by Stardock to modify my desktop abt which I came to know thro' Sykora and other friends. I'm not going to rip an kernel apart and I'm scared even to change my boot screen because of some trouble I've faced in the past by modifying my boot.ini file.
Thanks for dropping by, Ram. And thanks so much for your wonderful comment. Looking forward to seeing your updated blog.
:) So it's just paint... I thought so. When you start windoze, you should see the "normal" screen and eventually, it's repainted by a startup program, Stardock. It's a big performance hit though. Avoid using paints. I'd still say that it's a screen worth looking at... I wonder if it's a pleasure to work with!
... and lol about the boot screen... if you aren't capable of that, you're far from ripping kernels to that extent!
The problem with windoze is it's structue: It's not structured properly. It stuffs everything including the gui into one file which it calls "kernel" (and I call crapnel 'cos it's not a true kernel). Hence, it becomes very difficult to modify parts of your desktop. On a GNU/ Linux based OS, it's layered.. X windowing system on top of the kernel and desktops on top of X. Maybe I'll write an article on that...
Thanks, Ram. But, I'm beginning to think this is turning out to be a Desktop Enhancement forum (and for only two people, too) :)
Recently, I tried this boot screen called Electric Windows and my comp refused to start in normal mode
Looks lovely...
the best part about it is the toolbar at the bottom.. I see that u play UT2004 and Chaos UT
god bless... ur a smart guy since u do
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